Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Welcome To Momma'Hood

My husband and I are the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl, Evy (Ee-vee).  She was born on January 27 and was 6 lbs 1.9 oz at birth.  I’m so excited to share this journey with you.  It’s very scary being a new mom.  I can’t tell you how many times I check on Evy while she’s sleeping. I bet she’s thinking, “Wow, large lady who might be my Mommy. You’re a stalker.”  And she would be right.  I’m consistently in her face.  And what a sweet face it is!  Evy is our first baby. EVER. I had never been pregnant before she came along (as I documented in my recent pregnancy blog for  Now I find myself in a new predicament - a.k.a. Momma-Hood.

I’ll be honest: I’m scared.  I don’t know nuthin’ about raisin’ no babies.  I’ve never even had a pet.  WAIT. Once I had a goldfish named Sammy, but that fish was just too darn needy, so I gave it to my mom to raise.  I did have a Tamagochi when I was 20. But babies require more attention than cleaning up virtual poop.  It’s hard work!  This has been the longest six weeks of my life!  I was convinced my maternity leave would be a vacation. I could play video games all day. Sure I would have to change diapers, feed her, and cuddle her, but that’s not much… YEAH RIGHT! Someone failed to inform me that babies require way more than the above. 

Don’t get me wrong: besides my lack of sleep, I’ve enjoyed it all.  My daughter is an amazing little wonder.  She’s curious about her surroundings and I’ve spent time creating an atmosphere that makes her feel comfortable and safe.  I’ve spending time talking to her, playing with her, and reading her stories.  I love it when she looks up at me with those large soft eyes – I love it even more listening to her soft breathing as she’s sleeping… yes, we’ve had a good time together.  But this at no walk in the park, girlfriends!  IT’S WORK! PLAIN AND SIMPLE.  Thank GOD I have my husband, Henry. 

It’s a blessing and a curse to being a new mom, but I am blessed to HAVE this opportunity.  Evy is a very special baby and we look forward to sharing our first year of life with you.  This blog will update daily. For more detailed accounts, please check out our Parenting Journal on


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