Thursday, March 18, 2010

Introducing Ms. Postpartum 2010

Birth is a very traumatic experience for both mother and baby.  I guess I didn't see it that way for sometime since I had a cesarean.  For me it's not the event more so as the feelings I've had since Nubby's birth.  Some have been physical. I retained enough water to shame a camel.  My period moved in for five weeks and refused to pay rent (Bitch).  I would wake up in the middle of the night in tears.  I was a cry baby before I got pregnant so this didn't weird me out - until I realized I honestly had nothing to cry about.  Usually someone has to hurt my feelings or I've watched BEACHES on Lifetime... but for a few nights, I would wake up crying for no reason at all.  I know... It's like a bad episode of THE TWILIGHT ZONE or MY SO CALLED LIFE.

Now it's seven weeks postpartum and I'm still feeling like poop.  Not sure if you (my maternity leave mommas) have experienced this, but I've become addicted to television.  Not for the intellectual stimulation of fabulous programs like DIVORCE COURT and MAURY (BTW I love JESUS, but Pat Robertson and his twit of a sidekick on the 700 CLUB should not be used as sources of information... so please America, don't call these guys for personal advice.  Pat Robertson can not tell you how to mow your lawn or which investments in your portfolio will best please GOD.  Call an accountant or GOOGLE IT!  Wikipedia's a better source than those two TOOLS.), but because the sound of the television reminds me that I'm not alone.  Nubby is an amazing baby, but she doesn't talk yet.  Our apartment can get so quiet...  The cacophony of voices from the television temporally fill the empty void.  When will the void be filled?  Television can only do so much.  For consecutive episodes of CSI:NY helps, but evidentially the program goes off and the void is still there.

I decided to join a book club.  Not sure if it will help, but it's worth a try.  It will give me an opportunity to read and meet new people as well.  I'll never give up JUDGE ALEX, but I can think of at least one hour of television to sacrifice... That Robertson really gets on my nerves...


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